Friday, September 16, 2022

Week Six Recap

(This post was made yesterday. I just can't post it from the app and forgot to get on the computer to publish it.)

What a week it has been. Probably my hardest week since I began this journey. A couple of weeks ago I hurt my lower back during a workout. I’ve been seeing a chiropractor since then and it was doing really well. Not completely gone but just a small inconvenience. I went for my appointment on Thursday and left in with my lower back hurting. By the time I got home it was like it had just happened all over again. The next day I spent the whole day in bed trying to let it heal some. Rotated between ice and heat and prayed the pain would be better the next day. 

It wasn’t as bad on Saturday so I did a small workout. Sunday came and I was just frustrated. Frustrated with not being able to workout on a regular basis because of this injury, frustrated that I couldn’t go as hard as I wanted to and feeling like I could be much further along if I was just able to do everything without the pain. Stubbornness kicked in and I pushed through a good workout. Well, that was a dumb decision. I was really hurting afterwards. Because of where it’s at, it makes it hard to stand up, sit down, roll over in bed, carry the baby around and really anything that uses your lower back. It’s not just inferring with fitness but daily life. I took Monday off even though it wasn’t as bad that day because I had another chiropractor appointment. 

I filled her in on all the pain and she adjusted me but also worked my left glute with the massage gun to loosen it up. Because I’m slightly twisted it’s taking my body some time to adjust and my left side just doesn’t want to losses up. She has me icing after each session, before and after working out. I will admit, I forget to do it before my workout. On a positive note, my little hunchback it almost gone. I stand up straight with ease now and not nearly the tension in my shoulders I’ve had for so long. 

This week our water cooler arrived! I don't know why I am so excited about it but I refuse to drink tap water. We have a filter on our faucet and then fill up a Britta Filter Water Pitcher for the fridge. I like my water cold but the pitcher doesn't hold enough and by the time I need to fill up again, it hasn't had time to get cold. We buy water bottles too but they aren't cold and I go through so many of them. So this new water cooler has been great and the older kids are able to fill up whenever they want and are actually drinking more water. A win all the way around.

The replacement parts for the weight bench have finally come in. The parts got lost in our move. One part was on back order but we are still able to use it again. Once it got built I set a base for what I am bench pressing and made some goals for that. I've also made some goals for my TVL (Total Volume Lifted) during my weight sessions. I've had them in my phone but I will update my Goals tab with what I started at and which ones I've already beat as well as my future goals in those areas.

As for my weigh in this week. Last week I weighed in at 177.8 and this weeks weigh in was 178.2. I gained about 1/2 a pound. I definitely didn't expect to lose anything this week and I'm happy with only a half pound gain. I tried to keep my eating on track. I'm just ready to get back to normal and be able to go as hard as I want to while I still have the drive and motivation. I am loving the changes I've seen so far and I think that is my biggest drive at the moment. I noticed a change in my face, not as much double chin.

To end the week, my SO surprised me with an outfit from SHEfit as a celebration of losing 10 pounds. He got me the sports bra I've been interested in for about a year now and a matching pair of workout leggings. If you haven't checked out their sports bras, go check them out!

I am going to have some free time this weekend so I will finally be adding some of the recipes for you guys. Can't wait to share those.

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